Behavior Standards
Hospice of Santa Cruz County Behavior Standards
Our Vision:
Leading our community with high quality, innovative end-of-life care.
Our Mission:
Hospice of Santa Cruz County provides professional, compassionate care recognizing that individuals and families are the guiding force in their own end-of-life experience.
Our Values:
- We support staff and volunteers so they can put patients and families first.
- We find creative solutions which add quality to life.
- We strive for excellence beyond accepted standards.
- We increase the community awareness of hospice and end-of-life issues as part of the continuum of care.
- We recognize that stewardship of resources and relationships with trusted funders is essential to providing quality care.
- We are committed to building reserves to serve future end-of-life needs in our community.
Commitment to Those We Serve:
As trusted stewards of our community’s end-of-life resources, we are committed to outcomes that ensure quality, efficiency and compassionate presence while following all local, State and Federal laws; and all Regulatory requirements and our Standards of Conduct.
- We approach everyone with consideration and respect using appropriate language in our communications.
- We ensure that conversations are held in private settings to maintain HIPAA requirements of confidentiality.
- We communicate at the beginning of an interaction to identify and clarify the purpose of the interaction.
- We commit to providing quality services and establishing, reassessing and meeting patient centered goals and expectations.
- We take action when we recognize that expectations have not been met.
- When we can’t answer a question or resolve a concern, we find someone who can in order to close the loop.
Commitment to Each Other and Our Agency
- We place value on and foster a workplace environment of respect, kindness and accountability.
- We strive to be aware of our actions and how they impact those around us.
- We are accountable for following Agency policies and business practices.
Commitment to Our Culture of Continuous Improvement
- We take responsibility for our own successes and mistakes.
- We celebrate progress, successes and embrace opportunities for improvement.
- We strive to speak the truth in an appropriate and respectful manner.
- We contribute personally to the process of change and improvement.
- We bring forward ideas and feedback, and receive those brought forth by others.
- We bring forward problems or complaints in a positive solution-oriented way.
- We address problems or issues directly with each other whenever possible before escalation, as a first step in problem resolution.
- We commit to following Agency standards for efficient and effective use of time.
- We come prepared each month to engage in “Rounding” and provide/receive follow-up on issues raised.
- We voice constructive criticism respectfully and in an appropriate setting.
- If approached by a fellow staff-member about adhering to Hospice policies, procedures, regulations, compliance requirements, work expectations or communication barriers, we strive to be gracious and, commit to listening with an effort toward gaining understanding. We strive to make personal improvement(s).
Commitment to Our Office Environment
- We are conscientious about protecting documents of a confidential nature.
- With awareness that we all have a shared work space, we are active in keeping common areas clean, including copy rooms, kitchens and restrooms; we prepare food and discard food trash to avoid lingering odors that impact others; and we keep our work area neat and orderly.
- We maintain awareness of our surroundings when holding confidential or personal discussions and speak at a volume that does not disrupt others and maintain HIPAA requirements of confidentiality for employees and those we serve.
- We listen to voicemail and phone calls on our hand or headset, not on speaker.
- We keep cell phones on vibrate or low volume in the work environment.
- We take personal calls in a private location.
- We are cognizant of others who may be working after hours, and we follow the appropriate sweep and building alarm process.
- We remember that conduct and dress in the office and all work related environments is a reflection of our Agency and we dress in a respectful and professional manner.
- We maintain a fragrance-free environment.
- We wear name tags when on the premises, visiting with clients and at community events where appropriate.
- We take lunch and rest breaks as appropriate for self-care and refreshment.
Commitment to Each Other and Client/Community Relations
- We speak with respect and use appropriate language when communicating with fellow staff members.
- We value our culture of acceptance and tolerance therefore our language, written or spoken, will be free from negative/harassing/unlawful reference to gender, nationality, marital status, disability, sexual preference, political or religious belief, or age. We avoid assumptive generalizations and speak in a respectful and unbiased manner.
- We are open and available to differing ideas and views. We respect the right of every staff member to feel safe at work and invite constructive criticism, while maintaining boundaries.
- To better assist in accomplishing our duties, we arrive to work and to meetings on time and fully prepared. We acknowledge the importance of being present and available as scheduled for our clients and co-workers.
- To respect the time and workload of our co-workers, we send “Everybody” email, voicemail and mailbox messages that are work-related and relevant to everybody in the Agency and refrain from sending SPAM or advertising through these channels.
- Personal advertising: We are conscientious that not everyone shares the same passions and beliefs, and will not force items for sale, or information, on anyone.
- When out of the office, we leave time off plans and notify others appropriately out of respect for continuity of the work and patient/family needs.
- While on Agency business, in or outside the office, we realize that our conduct and dress is a reflection of our Agency, and conduct ourselves appropriately and according to these Standards.
Commitment to Our Resources and the Environment
- We value our resources and environment and will make efforts to reduce, reuse, and recycle waste wherever and whenever we can.
- We are conscientious while using water, and turn lights off when not in use.
- We utilize recycling bins appropriately when disposing of trash.
- We are careful to take only those supplies that we need and will think about the most cost-efficient way of utilizing our resources.
Commitment to Our Safety
- For the safety of ourselves and co-workers we follow proper protocols to ensure our safety.
- We are familiar with HSCC’s Emergency Plan – fire extinguishers, plan for leaving the building, earthquake guidance, phone tree, etc. and take standard precautions.
- We follow standards for infectious disease controls out of concern for our co-workers and patients/families.